
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Walter Bishop

Dalam banyak-banyak karakter, watak old man pandai menarik perhatian. Antaranya House. Dan,

Walter Bishop

Mungkin beliau tak sefemes House, tapi bagi peminat cerita sains fiksyen, anda perlu kenal beliau.

Walter Bishop adalah watak citer Fringe, tv series terbitan Fox. Hujung September ni, akan bermula season 5 yakni season finale. Ringkasan, citer Fringe seakan-akan The X-Files, menyiasat kes-kes luar tabii' dan  metafizik. Namun, menariknya, setiap yang berlaku mesti ada penjelasan dari Walter Bishop dari segi teori saintifik beliau. Walaupun adakalanya teori beliau terlalu unfathomable, & mind-boggling, bagi aku ia series sains fiksyen yang menarik. Ada juga teori yang masuk akal, mungkin boleh terjadi, dan ada juga sentuh tentang nutrition lulz. Selalu membuatkan aku terfikir - "How come?" "Wow really?" "LOL what an explanation" "yeah he's right" "wtf!".

Mungkin sebab banyak perkara baru dalam citer ni, sebab tu best. Dan juga cara mati manusia dalam ini memang sangat......gila. Bizarre.

Perkataan fringe tu diambil dari "fringe science".  Basically, it's all pseudoscience, cult science, frankenstein, orthodox things.

Apa yang membuatkan Walter Bishop menarik? Itu anda kena tengok sendiri. Apa yang aku boleh cakap, beliau macam House, genius, mad, pada masa yang sama, ada ciri kebudakan.

He loves food. Especially licorice. He could think about food while working in his labs. So much for concentration. He even cooks with lab instruments! Ever see people cook using Bunsen burner?

What makes him different from House would be...he is so loving. His love for his son, Peter is undeniably strong. He always feel remorse, regret with his past actions saving Peter's life for his selfish reason, and also conducting Cortexiphan trials on children.

I like to see these two parts of him. They are........cute.

He never get his lab partner's name right. Astrid became Astro, Alex, any random names.

He has a living cow in his lab named Gene, he's taking care of it. Sometimes doing experiments on him. And drink its milk!

Kudos to the actor - John Noble.

INGATLAH, banyak lagi misteri dunia ni belum kita terokai.....ahha

Our knowledge is still limited and the universe is so vast.

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