
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fourteen Years Old

If time travel ever possible, I want to go back to the fourteen years old me.


During that age, I've done many stupid things. Very very immature. I've started doing many bad things when I was a 14 years old teenage boy. Things I regret. Things that have been causing problems until now. Things that I am not supposed to do.

I wish I didn't do those things. I wish I would correct them.



#adindaevans might be stupid. Maybe because she is a fourteen years old teenage girl. Or maybe she is just plain dumb, brainless. Or maybe because of the so-so urban lifestyle. Whatever it is, she needs to stop.

I don't really care what will happen to her, though.

One good thing is she had made me reflecting about my life. About our society. Nobody's perfect. So stop condemning her. What you should do is help her. Guide her. If you care.. I don't care, so I don't want to get involve. That is all..


  1. Maybe 14 is the proper age to be rebellious, not too young to be a child, not too old to be an adolescent. I did some pretty stupid things too when I was 14, but in adinda evans case, I think it's a bit too extreme, no? Though in my opinion, she might act like it's nothing big, like it's meaningless, but who knows how she actually felt. She can't take it back but she still had to protect her ego, so she acted that way. That's just my opinion.

  2. Tu lah, who knows what she really felt. Nanti bila ada anak, dia umur 14 tahun tengok dia betul2. Jangan caya satu patah dia cakap. hahak


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